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Who We Are

We are a group of local women who want to support our community in Kodiak.   As individuals we feel that it is challenging to make a meaningful impact in our community one at a time, but as a group, we have the ability to contribute in ways we never thought possible!



What We Do

Reach out and help our community by finding at least 100 or more women to each contribute $100 four times a year ($400 annually) to be given to local charities. All charities and organizations up for consideration must be in the Kodiak area. The idea is to keep it local and have an impact that WE can SEE in our community.

How It Works

  • Come to our fabulous WOMEN'S NIGHT OUT!


  • Bring a blank check for $100. (You can always give more.)


  • Listen. We will draw the names of three pre-nominated non-profits from Kodiak at each meeting. A member of each organization will make a 5-minute presentation at the meeting about how our members’ contributions will support their cause. 


  • Vote. The non-profit organization with the most votes will receive all of the checks.  It is that simple and fabulous!


  • Celebrate! You just did something pretty powerful and amazing!

Why Should You Join?

  • You believe women working together can achieve just about anything!


  • You only have a few hours a year to commit to charity work.


  • You want to ensure 100% of your charitable donations go to those in need.


  • You believe there is power in numbers.


  • You want to be part of an extraordinary group of women who make an immediate, direct and positive impact on the Kodiak community.


Become A Member

Becoming a member of 100+ WWC Kodiak is quick and easy but your local impact will be long lasting!


Join Now!

Nominate A Charity

Once you're a 100+ WWC Kodiak member, nominating a charity is easy.  Provide some basic information and tell us about the good work they are doing in Kodiak! 


Nominate a Charity

Invite A Friend

Help spread the word about 100+ WWC Kodiak.  Encourage your friends to see what we're all about, or bring them along to a meeting.

Are You Ready To Make A Difference?

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact us today.  We would  love to hear from you!

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© 2015 by 100+ Women Who Care Kodiak.

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